Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A synopsis of the show, She Dreamed in Verse and Rhyme

Pondering Persephone was the painting I'd struggled over the most. It's a little different than the others in the way it had layer upon layer of glaze. The glazing gives it a rich surface. I like Persephone's pomegranate ring and her pondering gesture. It was worth the struggle.

Coming soon, Survivor Art Girls, Episode 2, Cannon Beach.

This episode has a different flavor than the first one. It's really beautiful. Sculptor Laura Mayer, writer Kate Horowitz and painter Cassandra Barney- a good combo.

It's funny because when I'm with my sister Emily, I really want want to entertain her and make her laugh. I was much more serious with Kate and Lala. Well, kind of serious...ish.

Laura is another amazing person. She's living the dream with her Art Garden in Ephrada Washington. She teaches and creates artwork in her own little shop. I'm proud of my friend.

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Laura Mayer said...

It was so wonderful to share such a magical weekend with my fabulous friend...dancing & prancing on the beach, finding beauty and art in what surrounds us...sending art out into the world for others to react and enjoy...so fun, such a good moment. I am so proud of you. Love, lala

Katie O’Keefe said...

Cassandra, I love Pondering Persephone! Her face is absolutely breathtaking! Really, it took my breath away!

I can't wait to see Survivor Art Girls II. Congratulations on a wonderful show!